As a Designer, thought for designers

I have worked for over fifteen years as a graphic and digital designer, and I still LOVE to design.

Maybe people think that “design” is act of making visual things (surface decoration) mainly, but the word includes a wide range of activities such as planning, making plans, concept working, making structure.

In actual projects, I spend 70-80% of time on “researching or thinking”, and the rest of 20-30% of time is for “making something visible” with Mac.  (I think most of people think this one is “design”.)

I think that going to book shops or museums, going on a journey if needed, even taking walk is even wonderful part of job, because these are all researching or thinking act. There is always a project in the head, and it seems that the directions is decided through various experiences.

So I often hear from clients that “I don’t have good sense of design…” but I think it does’t make sense because designing is something like selection information – taking various information regularly and propose proper answers that match the project (theme) more than unidentified ideas coming from the heaven.

I think it is necessary something sense of selection that “this is the best!” but it is more logical and practical than sensual talent. I (we designers) spend quit a bit time for researching or thinking under the surface. We never mention it though.

Speaking of “Thinking” occupation designer, I LOVE people who make something include designers.

Because they are always curious, their perspective is very unique and showing me new world.

I will never forget the word my designer friend said that “We are lucky we are designers because we can enjoy anything.” We are excited about plants such as the beauty of veins and petals at that time, right we are easy to be touched by wonders of the world…

I miss memories of my senior designer got scorched me that “move it more 0.01mm to the right!”

How many millimeters the world would be looked different if we shift the viewpoint 0.01mm to the right?

Too detailed? self-satisfaction? not much different? please finish it whichever! I hear such voices but I LOVE designers who stick with such a tiny things.

This blog also started with my thoughts to introduce the viewpoints/perspectives of people who make things not only designers. I hope you enjoy views of the world from them.

Written by youseeaandiseeb
東京在住のグラフィック&デジタルデザイナー。 ものづくり、文化芸術、旅、そしてたまに宇宙についてのブログです。 私の視点を通して、この豊かな世界を紹介していきたいと思います。英語でも書いてます。