Eye level

In the last blog “Voice of bell-ringing cricket“, I wrote about the sounds I hear, the sound I can not hear. Today is about the eye level.

There is a friend who works at a hotel with a high quality of service, and she likes the customer very much and has a wide field of vision, always thinking about things from the other’s point of view, so there are many things I learn. I introduce today what I am impressed most from her.

For example, I was asked what would I say to a child who is fallen in front of me. I answered I would say “Are you OK?”, but my friend would say “It hurts…” to the child with same feeling. Also she would stand in the same position in terms of feelings, then literally the same eye line, crouching and saying “It hurts…”

It may be a very tiny thing, but I remembered that not only children but also the other’s position, considering with their eyes, such a thing is a big support.

We tend to think it is natural the world is the only one that we each other can see or hear but there are worlds by the number of existence.

Written by youseeaandiseeb
東京在住のグラフィック&デジタルデザイナー。 ものづくり、文化芸術、旅、そしてたまに宇宙についてのブログです。 私の視点を通して、この豊かな世界を紹介していきたいと思います。英語でも書いてます。