Hawaii Island – Dolphins –

Hawaii Island – Breakfast –
Hawaii Island – Climate –
Hawaii Island – Living Things –

The next one of Hawaii Island series is Dolphins.
One of my wish list when I visit to Hawaii was “Swimming with Dolphins”.

I sometimes swim in the pool to exercise and it was first time snorkeling, but my curiosity won and I applied for the tour.

An energetic and pretty tour guide picked us up and took us to the ocean. The captain and the photographer were nice as well. The weather was great, it was so nice condition. I wore the wetsuit, fins and the mask, then jumped into the ocean!

I was a bit nervous because it was first time for snorkeling and it was ocean! but I told myself “It’s okay, you wear lifejacket, you can do it”, and looked into the ocean.
A lot of small black fish were swimming in a clear and beautiful ocean. I saw coral reefs and rocky areas at the bottom of the ocean, and it was my first time to see such a scenery live, so already I was impressed.

I was floating for a while, and my guide told me the point “They are here!”. Looking further ahead, several dolphins were swimming!! They were very close! I thought “Wow I met you” and said “Hello!” to them even though my mouth was mump.

After that, there were dolphins around us when I looked into the ocean, they showed up from next to next. Sometimes I saw small groups and sometimes big groups. I was a bit busy because they came close to me from far and wide 🙂 The guide told me that dolphins on that day were very kind and friendly, she said they don’t come closely depending on the day. I wonder there are waves of personality and mood?

In the meantime I got used to the ocean, so when I relaxed and tried to dive a bit, then I heard their voices. It was more like talking than singing. I tried to say hello to them wearing my mask. I don’t know if we had a conversation but I wanted to swim with them when I feel them closer.

I couldn’t dive well and my figure was completely beginner but I felt like I was a mermaid. I imagined I could swim smoothly with dolphins.

The guide was diving very well, she didn’t wear wetsuit, only mask and fins. And it looked like she was dancing with dolphins! It was very elegant and beautiful scene.

My wish came true like this. I thought into the ocean is very mysterious place.
Feeling like dolphins show up from the other side of the blue world where there was nothing while I was looking for a while. I couldn’ t see far way although it was clear, so it was something like the dolphins showed up suddenly. Of course I couldn’t predict beforehand, and I didn’t know where they were or where they were coming from. It was a magical world.

And being into the ocean is feeling so good. Just leaving me into the ocean without doing anything makes me feel calm and full. The waves, the sea breeze, the sun, and dolphins! The world is different from in the pool. Shall I say that some kind of meditation is the experience of just being on the spot without thinking anything. That vacuum state in the water is a little mysterious space. I recommend to breathe in the ocean if you meditate.

As if I was in a dream for a while after going out of the ocean. And it was the day that I decided to use the fins well, dive well and swim well to swim/dance with dolphins!

Here are photos of beautiful ocean in Hawaii
hawaii island

hawaii island

hawaii island

hawaii island

Written by youseeaandiseeb
東京在住のグラフィック&デジタルデザイナー。 ものづくり、文化芸術、旅、そしてたまに宇宙についてのブログです。 私の視点を通して、この豊かな世界を紹介していきたいと思います。英語でも書いてます。