Thank You than Sorry

Sumimasen (Sorry)
Word of saying apologize when you make someone to put in effort on, receive care from someone or cause trouble.

– googleより

I hear “Sumimasen (sorry)” often hospitality country here in Japan. I think people at shops or restaurants are very polite and wonderful, but sometimes they say “Sumimasen” too much I think.

Different one was offered when I ordered coffee at the cafe, so I told the person in the cafe that to change it to what I ordered, and he said “Sumimasen” very politely and game me a small sweet. I thought it was over at that time but he said “Sumimasen” some times after that. I felt like I had to get angry when he said “Sumimasen”, it was strange experience as my feeling changed, the feeling misunderstood? Am I getting angry more and more? I felt that my attitude also hardens, or I wonder if the feelings of anger have came up against being told many times?

Then when giving up the seat by train or when asking the way and answering I feel that it is nice to say “thank you” rather than “sorry”. Words saying “Sumimasen” is somewhat darkened in the shape of the mouth and facial expression, but “Thank you” opens mouth and thinks that it is a bright expression, so that I try to say “Thank you” when I encounter that situation.

I think it is better to say “Sumimasen” when you make someone to put in effort on, receive care from someone or cause trouble. However different words “Moushiwake arimasen” or “Gomen nasai” are better than “Sumimasen”.

There is not any big event or meaning but I keep away a word “Sumimasen”, sorry “Sumimasen”…

Written by youseeaandiseeb
東京在住のグラフィック&デジタルデザイナー。 ものづくり、文化芸術、旅、そしてたまに宇宙についてのブログです。 私の視点を通して、この豊かな世界を紹介していきたいと思います。英語でも書いてます。